What are the general requirements to get a NY Divorce?
Do I have to live in NY to get NY Divorce?
Spouses seeking a divorce in New York must meet some basic requirements to get NY Divorce. The first is a residency requirement. To satisfy the residency requirement, there are four options:
you or your spouse have been living in New York for a continuous period of at least two years before beginning the divorce process
you and your spouse are both residents of New York as of the day you begin the divorce process, and the “grounds” (the legal reasons) for the divorce occurred in New York
you or your spouse have been living in New York for a continuous period of one year before starting the divorce process, and the grounds occurred in New York, or
your marriage was performed in New York or you lived in New York as a married couple, and you or your spouse lived in New York for one continuous year before starting the divorce process.
See also:
The best representation or the cheapest? Legal costs.